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Atticus uses artificial intelligence to evaluate millions of donors across the globe and identify high net worth individuals who align closely with your organization’s mission, vision, and values. That’s a win for your organization and for potential donors looking to give their money to the causes they care most about.

37% of businesses and organizations have employed artificial intelligence to help accomplish their missions. It has made its way into our personal lives, as well—just think about how often you use Siri, how Netflix suggests the perfect next show to watch, or how your smartphone can tell you how long it will take you to get to a frequently visited location before you even ask. In short, we’re surrounded every day by artificial intelligence and machine learning, and often, we benefit from the efficiencies it adds to our lives. Could this type of technology add the same types of efficiencies to your organization and fundraising? We believe it can.

Atticus brings a human face to data. We deliver insights that amplify your know-how with know-who, what, and when. With Donor Advised Funds (DAFs) experiencing increases in every key metric for the eleventh consecutive year, we know there are partners who are ready, willing, and able to fully fund great endeavors—and we’re here to help you find them.


We believe there is game-changing way to do good. We believe we can help you and your organization find new major donors whose mission, vision, and values align with yours. We’ll surface the things you have in common—like people and places—to help you make new connections. From there, your people can do what they do best—build relationships, raise funds, and keep empowering your organization to do good.

We believe there is a smarter way to do good. Are you ready to join us?