Though it’s easy to focus your fundraising efforts on donor acquisition, there’s something else that’s just as, if not more, important — donor retention. Perhaps you’re aware of the term...
If you have followed along with our blog, you know that we recently wrote about the donor lifecycle (and if you’re new, we’d recommend you go back and take a...
You may not realize it, or perhaps you simply don’t know that it has a name, but you likely spend quite a bit of time focused on the donor lifecycle....
We’re all familiar with the concept of a mission statement. You may have created one for your own nonprofit, be aware of one for an organization you support, or maybe...
Are you and your organization familiar with the concept of a donor pyramid? If not, you may find this introduction to the theory helpful as you consider your nonprofit’s plan...
It’s no secret that data has become one of the most sought-after and mission-critical digital commodities in today’s world. Whether its end use is targeted marketing, informed product development, or...
During the now nearly two-year-long COVID-19 pandemic, very few (if any) businesses have remained unaffected. From the automobile to technology to grocery industries, everyone was forced to adapt and innovate....
With a new year comes new possibilities—and that includes how your organization raises funds. What if instead of using the same tools and techniques you’ve used in the past, you...